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Interview with Kate J Foster

Interview with Aaron Brinker

Interview with Iso Rivers

Writer's Row Interview

My first ever video appearance with DC Wright Hammer & David Gane on Writer’s Row! I had so much fun talking with them. 

Interview with L.A. Rivers

L.A. Rivers was kind enough to interview me for her podcast 1001 LA Nights. Please give it a listen and consider subscribing to her podcast. Thank you L.A.

Book Review by Mrs. Y

Check out this detailed, well-written review of Bits & Pieces by Mrs. Y. Much gratitude to Mrs. Y!

Interview with Romey-Mak

Romey-Mak interviewed me for his Youtube channel. You can check it out below.

Interview with the Lancaster Eagle Gazette

I was interviewed by Jeff Barron and featured in my hometown newspaper, The Lancaster Eagle Gazette.

Book Review by Teresa Hurst

The lovely Teresa Hurst featured Bits & Pieces as the first book she reviewed on her new YouTube channel. Thank you so much Teresa!

Interview with Kristine Raymond

A special thank you to Kristine Raymond for featuring me on her podcast, Word Play. It was such a pleasure chatting with Kristine!


Interview with Mehara Lit

Interview with Rebecca Cahill

Much gratitude to Rebecca Cahill for taking the time to interview me for her blog. 

Interview with K.J. Harrowick

Fellow author and blogger, K.J. Harrowick interviewed me about writing and my debut novel Bits & Pieces. Thank you so much K.J., it was a pleasure working with you.

Interview with Teresa Hurst

Teresa Hurst was kind enough to feature me in her Author Spotlight section of her monthly newsletter. Thank you Teresa!

Interview with Ruth Anne Garcia

Ruth Anne Garcia was kind enough to interview me for her blog. Thank you Ruth!

Interview with GJ Stevens

GJ Stevens was kind enough to interview me for his blog to discuss my writing process and upcoming debut, Bits & Pieces. Thank you so much GJ!

Interview with Emma Lombard

Can Indie Authors Have a Book Launch at Barnes and Noble?

Interview with Buttonholed Book Reviews

2023 Dawn Hosmer, Author - Website created by Black Cat Graphic Design

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